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The Big Drive Home With Kath and Aimee


It's the Big Drive Home, every weekday between 3pm and 7pm with Kath and Aimee. Keeping you up to date with all things Cornwall and with the best music selection on the dial. 

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More about Kath and Aimee:

"A chance meeting in a restaurant bonded us over the extortionate price of a fish pie! We knew we had found our person, and a brilliant friendship was born. We share a mutual love for all things radio, and we began volunteering together at the Royal Cornwall Hospital, a place close to our hearts as we both have daughters with additional health needs who have spent much of their life in hospital. Following training we presented a weekly show for 8 years, even managing to fit in a weekly show for a community radio station locally too!

We met with a BBC bigwig who loved what we were doing, and after 18 months of extensive training we began a weekly show segment on BBC Radio Cornwall. We were soon offered our own weekly show, which we continued to present for 2 years until covid hit and BBC local radio made the decision to end all double headed presenting across the board.

Following a successful podcast, the opportunity arose to work at the brilliant Rewind Radio and we have been a part of the presenting team since launch day! We kicked off with the weekend breakfast show which we loved, and now we present The Big Drive Home every weekday. To be a part of Cornwall's only independent radio station is a joy and a privilege and what a fantastic team we get to work with. It combines all the things we love, music, community and bringing people together. If you haven't listened join us as we do life together, the highs and lows, laugh (mainly at us) and you too can marvel at how we've managed unsupervised so far!"


More information about our sponsor:

Lifestar Medical is an independent private ambulance service, providing quality medical transportation across the UK and also into mainland Europe. Offering comfortable and versatile vehicles with high equipment spec and highly trained, uniformed ambulance personnel. This ensures that every service user that travels with us is treated with the care they need and the dignity they deserve.



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