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Weather doesn't stop the Reds

High winds and heavy rain could not stop the Reds coming away with the win.

Redruth will only be mildly irritated in not getting the bonus point try and will be pleased in comfortably coming out on top of a spirited Barnstaple side in conditions that if not given due respect could have seen a different outcome.

Barnstaple kicked off playing towards Hellfire Corner against the wind. Redruth spilled the kick-off but were able a few phases later to win a penalty which Fraser Honey kicked 50 metres downfield into the opponents 22. Redruth applied the pressure and on 9 mins Tommy Phillips drove over for a converted try.

The Reds dominated the next 15 mins but determined Barum defence kept them out and on 26 mins they opted for a kick at goal which Honey made no mistake with. Not long after further Redruth pressure could not yield a try but another Honey penalty made it 13-0 to the Reds.

The Reds despite dominating the remainder of the half could not add another try with Barnstaple defending for their lives. On the stroke of half-time Honey converted a penalty from half-way to make the score 16-0 at the interval.

Half-Time: Redruth 16 – 0 Barnstaple

Redruth kicked off the 2nd half into the elements with the game still in the balance. They should not have been concerned as the pack turned up the heat in the 2nd period dominating at scrum time to earn a succession of penalties.

Barum contrived to drop the ball from the restart and Redruth set up camp in the 22. A 5 metre scrum led to a Redruth penalty which Honey popped over. Barnstaple now had a period of pressure in the Reds 22 but a scrum penalty allowed the Reds to clear the danger.

Another scrum penalty saw them kick into the Piggy Lane corner and the resulting line-out maul gave hooker Richard Brown his umpteenth try from such a situation.

Barnstaple got a foothold in the Reds 22 but were struggling to get near the Redruth line and a penalty to the Reds allowed them to clear to near half-way. From the line-out the Reds set up an unstoppable driving maul which was running into the Barum half until being brought to the floor by the huge Barnstaple 2nd row Gohl who earned a yellow card for his troubles on 54 mins.

Redruth piled on the pressure but a succession of line-outs and scrums in the opponents 22 did not yield a score. In the scrums the Reds were driving back Barum at will but despite this could not fashion a score. A few minutes after being back to full strength Barum prop Dromantas saw yellow for collapsing a 5 metre scrum. Redruth drove the next scrum towards the line and with a try or indeed a penalty try beckoning they chose to pick up at the base and the chance as lost.

Despite the fierce wind at their back Barum could not gain a foothold in the Redruth half. From a line-out 30 yards out the Reds set up a driving maul that was unstoppable with backs joining the fun. A few yards from the line the maul went down and Referee Max Weston had no hesitation in running under the posts for a Penalty Try on 75 mins with Barum's Robson getting a yellow card for his efforts. Redruth had a final chance with a line-out 15 yards from the Barum line but the game opponents nabbed the line-out to end the game.

Amazingly despite the heavy rainfall the Redruth pitch was still in excellent condition at the end of the match testament to the recent investment in equipment and the stewardship of Simon Johnson.

On a horrendous day all the Redruth volunteer ground staff and stewards should be commended in braving the elements with a special mention to Richard Green who manned the scoreboard.

The match whilst not one for those who like running rugby was as entertaining as one could expect and referee Max Weston should be congratulated in the sympathetic way he handled the game.

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